The award winning Palm Nursery, Design and Landscaping Company.
In recent years a palm nursery in the Bay of Islands has hit the national stage with award winning design and landscape construction based on a vast nursery of mature palms and subtropical plants. That nursery is Palmco, a company that has a passion for innovative contemporary design and a quality of service and product range second to none in the industry. Palmco started in the early 1990’s and focused on growing palms not previously commercially planted in New Zealand.
This was extremely challenging and as industry pioneers they relied on Kiwi ingenuity to solve a lot of problems – which created a nursery that prides itself on inventiveness and innovation in growing and harvesting palms.
Some of the first palms planted on the property are now wonderful, mature, specimen palms that are today featured in the award winning subtropical display gardens.
While it took many years before the palms were ready to harvest it was clear that they were on to something very special and Palmco quickly established itself as New Zealand’s premier supplier in field grown palms. This reputation was enhanced when in 2007 they won a gold medal at the Ellerslie Flower Show.
The amazing display of Palmco’s wonderful range of Palms and sub-tropical plants is open to the public who are welcome to take a journey of minutes or hours through the display gardens. While Palmco has changed a lot over the years, it still holds the values that were in place when the first rows of palms were planted out: The best quality palms, innovation and expertise in landscape design and a reputation overall for excellence in customer service.