Adept Marketing

Michelle Ackers from ADEPT Marketing provides internet marketing services to small and medium businesses. She has particular expertise in online marketing and tourism and can help any business to ensure their website and internet marketing strategy performs well and is a cost effective marketing tool.

Michelle is a business mentor in website and online marketing for BizNorth and for the 2009/10 Maori Tourism Mentoring Programme funded by the Ministry of Tourism. She also writes a Marketing Tips blog that attracts readership and comments from all over New Zealand, you can subscribe here to receive emails each time a new Marketing Tips article is published. Notably, Michelle is a contributor to the popular New Zealand Business Blogs website, plus she has launched and manages the New Zealand Tourism Industry Blog.

Main Services include:

* Website and Online Marketing strategy
* Email and Database marketing
* New website design, content, and optimisation
* Website critiques and recommendations
* Tourism marketing and online booking strategy
* Website management
* Social media marketing
* Search engine optimisation
* Google Adwords campaigns
* Blog set up and management

See full list of services here

Contact Michelle if you’d like to chat about your marketing and website needs.

Michelle Ackers | 152 Pungaere Road, Waipapa GO TO SITE

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